Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 139 The facts...

In the Psalms David sang his heart out, in every circumstance in life. While reading the Psalms stop to think about where he was when he was singing them, or writing them. Some of the time he was in a cave hiding from the enemy, other times he was repenting for giving into his lust, and then there are times when he sang to God because he just loved him so much. In Psalm 73 David envied the 'arrogant' because they were living life to the fullest and then they made fun of God saying he did not know anything. Then he goes on to say he was grieving and foolish and ignorant and like a beast before you(he probably felt like he had no self control, he was obviously not making good decisions). Ok we have to stop right there to reflect on all those emotions that just happened! He was at a low, low spot where he felt stupid and like he wasn't doing anything right...ever been there? I sure have! Just feeling like God might be dissapointed in you, and that he might not be listening to you and he might have stopped caring. So then the powerful word NEVERTHELESS (In spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same) so David is comparing the fact that he is at his lowest emotional state in life and in spite of that he pushed past what he was feeling and stated the facts that.....Nevertheless I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. So in verse 22-24 David is reminding himselft that God is always standing right there beside him no matter what his circumstances are. It is really exciting to see the change in the way he is talking through this Psalm! Remember that when you need counsel, remind yourself that he will counsel you, he will hear your prayers, he does care about every part of your life no matter what your feelings or circumstances are saying to you....remind yourself of the facts!

1 comment:

  1. Amen, we are to stand on his promises no matter what we are going thru, thanks for sharing:)
