Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 144 Lead me to the cross...

Why did Jesus choose to go through with the death that was before him? It was obedience unto what his father asked of him. This was the most excruciating pain that anyone can feel, first because he became sin for us that we might not have to pay the price for our rebellion. In Romans there are countless scriptures about what sin does to us, for example look at Romans 6:6. Our old man(what sins we used to take part in, or our past sins) it was dead at the cross, died, ceases to exist anymore, because God doesn't want us to be a slave to that sin, it leads only to one door and that is death, he chose freedom for us by taking it on himself, he became a living sacrifice on the altar. In the old testament there had to be an animal sacrifice in order for their sins to be taken away. This was because Adam and Eve disobeyed Him therefore they had to make animal sacrifices from then on so they wouldn't have to pay for their sins. We can't pay for our sins, because God already paid a very high price for us to walk in freedom from our disobedience. Well, your are thinking I'm not a bad person, I really haven't committed any big sins. Ok, look again at your heart, have you every wanted something that someone has? You have coveted and that is sin. In Galatians 5:21 it says those who envy, murder, are drunk all the time, will not be allowed to inherit the kingdom of God or get into Heaven! That is pretty strong statement. The awesome thing about God is he asks us to walk away from our sin, repent, be genuinely sorry and ask for forgiveness. Only Jesus can forgive you of your sin, you can't talk your way out of it on the phone with a friend, you cannot keep making excuses because you know that will not help you get anywhere. Excuses are like butts, everyone has one(a quote from my husband:). Think about that. The Holy Spirit is a gentlemen, he will convict you but not condemn you for what you have done. So quit beating yourself up and putting yourself down for what you have done, repent, ask God for forgiveness, and commit to not return to that sin again, and keep on a walkin! He loves to forgive you, that is the whole purpose of the cross, forgiveness and freedom from the darkness! Enjoy the freedom he has on a platter for you:)

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