Wow, I just think it is amazing that we are still at this '365 days of prayer thing!' It has been quite a journey. I don't post prayers everyday but I enjoy the times I am able to sit down and continue talking about what is really on my heart. Speaking of on my heart, let's go a little deeper...shall we?
Have you ever heard anyone say "I don't like praying out loud" or "I'm not good at pray you are more spiritual." I have been there in a conversation where people are insecure or maybe not comfortable praying out loud. Consider our everyday conversations. We talk on the phone, we text everyone and anyone who will respond, we camp out on pinterest looking at ways to keep us organized and occupied and we get excited when we see pinterest items in someones house, we email and delete unwanted junk mailers, we pass by people with our shallow but familiar 'how are you?' and have we been ashamed to talk to people? Have we shyed away from conversation or contact all day? Most of us would say no, we most likely will be glad to join in on a conversation and give our two sense. Ok...I have a point. So really we could say we have been talking all day long from when the first annoying alarm tone beats down on our quietness...some would say 'choice words' others would say them in our heads. Did we do the same thing? Yes, it was our heart that spoke out loud and internally. So how is praying or talking to God any different? I'm not really sure it is. We are all comfortable with praying...but if we have in our minds that praying is a certain way we put our hands, or way we sit or kneel then we have lost the meaning. Look at what Jesus spoke to the disciples about praying. Matthew 6:9-13 says that Jesus just said in this manner you should pray. He used a simple prayer that is deep, profound, and straight to the heart of the matter. Jesus definitely didn't say that we have to be at church on Sunday morning, or on the side of our bed with our hands interlocked, or we have to say it monotone. He wants that one on one conversation that we also long from our spouses or best friends. Most of the time I don't really pour out my entire heart, just parts of the story that were important. What is amazing about God is he wants all the details he wants to hear you speak because he loves hearing your voice. He knows every word that is about to come out of our That is incredible. Next time that you sit to pray, or you are in your car on the way to work or to pick up the kids....stop and really talk to God. It isn't that difficult. We strike up conversations with perfect strangers and have no problems(most of us. God isn't really that complicated...ok he is but he isn't with prayer. The simplicity of coming before him to talk or if you want to be formal 'pray' is just opening our hearts to him and really talking to him. Waiting for answers is a whole different sermon...but waiting is important and that is exactly what we do with our friends(ok when they are talking over us). So try it:)
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