Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 121

Lord, through all of life's joys and sorrows I pray today that you will strengthen my spiritual eyes to see everything I walk though in your eyes. It is so easy to complain and see it the way I do as a human, but I want to see the bigger picture. You are incredible Lord, no one compares to you. No one created you, you just exist, there is no ending to you either. I love that about you. So because you can see the beginning, the end, and the glorious middle, help me see it the way it was intended for me, what the purpose was for that trial or that joy. I want to grow and keep growing in you Lord, there are so many more things I need to learn, so many things I haven't yet experienced that I know are coming. The future can be scary, but really it's inevitable, things will happen, but by the strength of your hand your breath living inside of me I can do all things through you Lord!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 120 You are plenty!

Lord presents from others are nice but really the gift that is more filling is your presence. Your life, your word. Filling every part of me that is empty. I love you Lord, not just because you have given all of you to me, but because you care. You are concerned about my life, you look and see where I need to change, and adjust so that you are the first person I go to, not the last.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Lord, thank you so much for this day. It was amazing. Help me to give with everything I have inside of me, everyday to you. Not holding one part of me. Giving is one of my favorite qualities about you Lord. You do that well! I love you. Thank you Lord, you truly are holy and amazing and bigger than I could even start to imagine. In Jesus name, Amen.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 117: Another gift..

You gave so much to us when you sent your son Jesus, to be here on this earth for a short time. What an amazing story. Every time I look at it I see something new. My favorite part is when you told Mary nothing is impossible for God. Wow. Lord thank you that nothing is impossible with you. There are people who need a miracle this Christmas, give it to them Lord, some won't have a warm meal at all, Lord tug at someone's heart to give one to their family. Some kids won't even hear the name of Jesus this Christmas, let them hear it God. Father thank you for the gift of salvation, and taking our sin upon you so we can live eternally with you. In Jesus name, amen.

Friday, December 17, 2010

116 Christmas in 8 days...

What can you do to bless someone you don't know this Christmas? What about a neighbor? Have you thought about someone you do know that does not have much? There are many people that we see everyday who are in need. We could be there answer. To take care of someone just by giving them an extra blanket because maybe their heater doesn't work very well, could change someones life forever. That might lead to something incredible, like an opportunity to minister to them and share your testimony. Lord, let us not forget that we are the hands and feet of the body of Christ, what would you have me give today?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

115 Fellowship

I love being in your presence where you talk to me, encourage me, tell me what to do, tell me where to go, comfort me when I'm hurting, and you listen so well. Those times when nothing else can make me feel better, just you Lord. You alone satisfy me. Fill us today with your joy that is so amazing and cannot be found anywhere else, but in you. In Jesus name, amen.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 114..Gifts

You have given me so many gifts, love, joy, your holy spirit, my family, my life. I cannot thank you enough for what I have God. Help me to continue to be grateful for what you have given me. I love you God, and help me share my gifts also:)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 113...finals...

Today I start my finals at the University of Central Oklahoma. I am privelaged to be able to go to class and write, to read, to understand, to enjoy, to learn, to analyze, to decide, and to breathe. Lord, thank you for those privelages. I love you so much, help me to get through these next couple days of tests. I will keep in mind that this too will be over so soon!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 112 Strongholds...

Lord, thank you for helping me take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, every thought that shouts I am not good enough, every time I think I can't do something that is important and I need to get it done, Lord, you help me to do things with integrity and for you. Not for others but for you. Because you see my heart. Holy Spirit continue to show me the strongholds of my life that need to be broken down, the places that I run for hiding that I don't want to let go of. It is not by my power or my works but by your Spirit. Lord, you are amazing, in Jesus name, amen.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 111: Shelter

When David was running from Saul he almost was captured, but you were his shelter. When Sarah wanted to have a baby but she was so old, you were her shelter. When Peter was walking on the water and he was distracted for second, you were his shelter. When Lazarus was dead and his family was extremely sad, you raised him up and became their shelter. When Jesus was dying on the cross, pleading for our lived because of our sin, you were his shelter. Because God will never leave me or forget about my dreams or needs, I know that he will always be my shelter.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 110:)

Lord, thank you for the gift of you Son, he came and gave his life so that we might live in freedom from sin. It's no something that I take lightly. It's my freedom Lord, and I will walk in it today. No matter how or what I feel I will choose to honor you with my words and my actions. I love you Lord, in Jesus name, amen.

Friday, December 3, 2010

109 You exist.

There is no other truth that compares to that. You existing in the world. You giving your life for me so that I can share with those that do not believe or are trying to figure you out. Lord, use my words again to speak truth and life into other people. In Jesus name, amen.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 108: Use my hands

God use my hands to make every email that I write be uplifting. Help me to type words that will go down deep to the heart and minister to people that need to hear your words. Remind me when I am making things with my hands that all of the praise goes to you, whether that is making food, decorations, writing papers, cleaning, washing dishes(gross), doing laundry, taking pictures, writing Christmas cards, buying groceries, all the things I do with my hands. I will do all of it as I am worshipping you, throughout the day. I love you Lord ,because your hands saved my life.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 107: It's a little cold...

Lord, although it's kind of freezing outside, I know that I have a warm house to go home to. A job to go to and make money to pay for my warm clothes and shoes I am wearing. I have a husband that is incredible and loves me with all his heart and is totally commited to us. My family is loving and caring and we usually have a good time. I cannot complain at all because I have so much, and even though its cold, you make me realize that it could be worse. I could be on the streets without a coat, a house, a husband, a family, and without you. But God I have soo much, and I thank you for your son Jesus, who rescued me from myself, who saved me and redeemed me so I can spend eternity with you. Lord, I love you .

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day One hundred and six....

There is a time to be joyful in your presence, there is a time to weep in greif over loss, there is a time to ask you what we need to do. In all these times God, remind us that it is about you. No matter what we are feeling, how our days go, whatever we choose our attitudes to be, you will never change. Lord, I'm so thankful that through the storms of this life you sometimes calm that raging storm outside, but sometimes you calm me. Walking in peace day by day is a struggle for me, with school, work, home, and holidays coming up. New things that I have volunteered for, people I will eat lunch with, my husband, my dog, all those attributes of my life somtimes make me worry. It's stupid really to worry about those things, so today God I cast all my cares on you, take them and I will trust You and think about and dwell about peace, and the word. I love you Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

105 family

Thank you Jesus for the amazing family that you have given me. It's beautiful the way you orchestrate our lives together, you purposely chose those people to make my family. I love you Lord.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

104 I'm so thankful!

For the time I get to spend with my family that I don't see very often!!! Thank you God for reminding us everyday of how blessed we are just to be alive and living and able to talk to you. I love you lord!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

103 its good for me...

You are so enough for me Lord, your presence in my life today. It cleanses me, reminds me of who you are, encourages me, and there is nothing that compares to your love. No one can fill me like you do! Fill me again Lord, renew my love for you again.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

102: The past..

Today I am reminded of my past. Those things that I cannot change, those things I did I wish I could forget, and some things I can't figure out what I was thinking. It's our human nature to want to change what we already did, but there is a catch. In the bible Isaiah 43:18 is says "Forget the former things(exactly what I just described above!); do not dwell on the past." We are not perfect people, we never will be until we see our Jesus face to face, but now in this moment I pause to remind myself that God has given me a command today to forget it all that is in the past, and don't think about it. It is a waste of time obviously or He would not have put that verse in the bible. God always knows what is best for his children. And we can make excuses all day long about how much we wish that our past was not as dirty as it is, but the truth is he has forgiven us COMPLETELY! That in itself is so freeing to me. I can walk in that statement, that I do not have to remember the past because it has been wiped away clean, the blood of Jesus was enough to cover my sins, no matter what kind of scars they left behind. Thank you God for that beautiful illustration of love towards me, you constantly want me to come boldly to you and get your promises ingrained into my head so I can not dwell on what is done. I love you Lord, and thank you for your forgiveness, you took my place. In Jesus name, amen.

Monday, November 22, 2010

101 ways to make your mondays wonderful...

1-100 pray, pray, pray, pray x's a bunch and you have the answer to a wonderful monday. If that doesn't work start confessing the scriptures over it! It will be a great monday, I will have a good attitude, I have so much to be thankful for, my husband is incredibly supportive of me, my dog loves me so much, I have a wonderful family, I have talents that God gave me, I can walk, talk, love, and breath! Those should be enough to make any day the best!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 100: Finishing

Lord, you stick to your word. You don't forget about what you promised. You always finish what you start, and always say, it's good.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 99: In our faces...

Sometimes the answers to our prayers are right in front of us. I have found that the bible gives the most elegant design of ways to have the most amazing life. Every single thing that we need as humans can be found in the bible. Not by bread alone....but by every word of God. Yes we have wants, but the need of our spirits lie waiting in those pages that have been scribed for us, His children. Taking that promise that there is nothing impossible for him to do, at all. He can change any situation. I have heard it a thousand times, but it is the truth. I am trusting in my God to change things that cannot be seen, prepare things that he said he already thought about, rearrange things in my heart only he knows. Just incredible, that is what he is.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 98: Missions

Lord you have given me a heart for your people. Grow that deeply inside so I never lose sight of the reason you died for me. To share you with all those I come in contact with, to minister to the hungry, the poor, those that need, those that are hurting. You are completely wonderful Lord, I don't want anyone to miss that chance they have to create a relationship with you. The best most important relationship in the world, you determine our heartbeats, our breath, our days. How can I not listen to your beckoning, how can I push you away. Oh I want you to draw so near to me that I hear your breath God, and I hear the cries of your heart. In Jesus name. amen.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 97: Joy

"You have made known to me the ways of life; You will make me full of joy in your presence." Acts 2:28

Full of joy, walking in peace, knowing that you are the fullfilment. You are what keeps me satisfied, you are the craving of all of me. Thank you Lord, for filling me with joy while I am in your presence. In Jesus name, amen.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 96: What He deserves?

Lord, we cannot take credit for the talents or creativity we have been given. It is you that fashioned us by your hands and you thought about us before we were even born. Remind us that you deserve all the glory, honor, and praise for everything amazing and wonderful in my life. Even the things that I have been through Lord, you still turned my ashes into beauty. All the brokeness that I walked hand in hand with you, you took it and healed me and gave me a reason to live. Thank you God, for this day to praise you with all that I am. In Jesus name. Amen.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 95: Thank you for....

My family, my husband, ability to go to school, my vision, I can hear, smell, taste, feel, you have given me a beautiful life Lord, I am so thankful for you and that I came to know you. I love you Lord, help me to not forget how blessed I am to be in a relationship with you. In Jesus name, amen.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 94: ???

Not really sure what to pray. Sometimes I come to that point. So I will just wait, wait in silence for his voice to speak to me. We make our prayer life so complicated, using big words, sitting or kneeling in a specific position thinking this will make God the happiest. Really it is a waste. All those times where I have wanted to be noticed because of my long, drawn out prayers for one compliment. It sounds silly, ya it is. Be honest though! So humbly I come today before God, trying not to be noticed by what I pray or how I pray it. Just me and Him. He looks at the heart of the person praying. He will notice me today, he will hear my petitions rise to Him. I honor him with coming boldly to Him knowing that He can do all things. In Jesus name, amen.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 93: Perseverance

Nikki, you can do this, just keep on walking/running to the finish line," I told myself while I was on mile 18 in the San Diego Rock-N-Roll Marathon this past June. My feet were hurting, the skin on my face was burning, due to lack of sunscreen applied, my legs just would not run anymore, and I was starving. For one thing, a marathon is pretty much crazy to accomplish. Seriously, who in their right mind would dedicated months of training to a single day of work (I'm raising my hand). Whatever the subject is that is being prepared for is the goal. The thing that needs to get done. It needs to be in the past, not really in a negative sense, but there is anticipation to it. My mind was prepared for miles 18-20. I heard that was the hardest, to my discovery yes it was. Really mile 20 was the killer. My feet all of a sudden just started throbbing, my ankles felt fat, and my energy level was gone. I felt blisters on my feet, now I know not to change my socks I have been training in the week before the big day. I walked mile 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. Oh ya, it was great. I was relaxed, as much as I could be, and my time was of no concern by now. Previously in Nikki's running world, I had written on my calender 3 half marathons. Successfully I managed to drag myself past the finish line all three times. I never considered myself an athlete. In my high school years I played basketball, a little, I did like volleyball, but I really enjoyed cheerleading. So as the reader can see, my athletic abilities were minimal when God created me. I do not feel cheated that I didn't score 50 points in a basketball game, or really know how to spike the ball. I just know that there is no room for practicing those specific things that I really don't enjoy. Cheerleading was another story. Whether or not you feel it can be put in the "sport" category is of no importance. I still am really horrible at sports. My lovely sister called me one day and asked me to join her in a half marathon. I accepted the offer, trained as much as I could, and then really loved it to be honest. The thrill of finishing, the t-shirt, the metal, the crowd, and then the blessed conversations emerge. Yes, I did it, I didn't quit, I didn't talk myself out of it, I just ran....well, ran/walked. Now I can say I gladly completed all 3 half marathons, and with the help of my beloved savior Jesus, he guided me to the finish line in my first marathon. 26.2 miles is a long way. I could not have done it without him. Isn't that how our lives are? We just run/walk to our goals, passing others, so we can get where we are going. Busy, busy people living life one appointment at a time. Ignoring those that we are running or walking with. Don't pass up the opportunity to bless someone you are standing beside. Those in your work place, or family. People that you see everyday at the grocery store or gas station. Reach out, give of yourself to see them come to know your God. My challenge to the readers today, don't let a great moment go by where you could have been Jesus to someone:)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 92: Work

Lord we have the ability to do so many things for you. I know that it is not by works that we please you. In all that I do with my hands, let it please you. God I pray that I would not try to please others with what I am doing but just you. That when I am cleaning toilets it is praise to you, when I am washing dishes let it bless you God. Complaining will be far from my lips because I have the ability to work Lord, and work diligently in everything I do. In Jesus name, amen.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 91: Decisions

Teach me to listen so closely to your voice God that I do not make any decisions without first coming to you. I know that you have plans that are not mine, you already thought my life through without my help. So I am leaning on you minute by minute to hear what you have to say. To be led by your hand and follow you. I love you Lord, in Jesus name, amen.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 90: Spirit of God

Oh Lord you build me up with your spirit, the comforter, the encourager. Dwelling in me to quicken my spirit to respond to you. Praying things that have not yet happened, praying for myself to walk in your spirit and not the flesh. Thank you for that gift that you gave to your children so long ago, your spirit. Fill me with freshness today, fill me up so that I can overflow onto others helping them come to you. I love you Lord, in Jesus name I pray, amen.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 89: Giving

Lord, there are many times during my day when I have time to give to someone else. When I have a conversation and I don't really feel like talking, that is my chance to just listen to them, hear what they have to say, pray for them when we are done talking, just be there for them. I don't always make time to stop and actually give my full attention to one conversation. Things I need to do, people I need to give other time to, papers I need to write, projects I have to start, tests and quizzes I haven't studied for, and of course there is the obvious food I need to cook or plan to buy, things I have to clean or organize. Yet still in that little world of mine you remind me that there are people that deserve my attention to the fullest, that they need my shoulder to lean on for those few moments. So out of my comfort zone I walk to minister, listen to, help, encourage, guide others that may come in my path. With thankfulness God, I am so glad that you give me time to talk with you and you still have time to listen to everybody else at the same moment! I love you Lord, you still amaze me, in Jesus name I pray all of this. Amen.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 88: Attitudes

Lord, I know when I am having a really stinkty attitude, one that really is pointless. I understand that there are times when things do not go the way I planned, but that is no excuse for grumbling and complaining under my breath. Ok so I need to work on that just a little. Help me God, guide me while I put into practice the fruits of the Spirit, love, patience, kindness, gentleness, self control, faithfulness. You showed all of them without failing. I can do this because you live in me. In Jesus name, amen.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 87: Adoption

You adopted us(Ephesians 5:1), we were orphans spiritually, didn't have a father to run to. You are our father, and our mother. Nurturing us to the point of extreme love. That is what you have for your children. When we give our hearts to you, you promise to never leave us or forsake us(Deuteronomy 31:6) because you can't turn your back on us. I know that we can do that, turning our back on you. Run from you, forget about you, ignore that you called us your children. Today Lord you have beckoned us to have this relationship that will not be broken, only by our choice. I know that in the deepest part of myself I could not run from you, only if I was insane. You have shown me complete forgiveness, how to love others, faithfulness, satifaction beyond my knowledge. In Psalm 16:11 you said through your servant David that in your very presence there is the joy that will fill up my whole life, something I cannot get from anyone else or anything. Thank you Lord for you word, those little things that you promised make such a difference every day. Love you God, in Jesus name.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 86: Deeper

Beyond just a relationship God, you are the very being that I have to have to be alive. It isn't normal for a person to walk around in this life without you. Continue to remind us that you are the reason we are alive. In Jesus name. Amen.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 84 & 85: Hello November!

So this month will be a great month, I know it. First of all we all choose how our mood will be each day, no matter what our circumstances scream at us. Reactions is all it boils down to. November is full of opportunity to give of ourselves, and step slowly away from it's all about me right now. It is so easy to get caught up in what we feel, think, know, realize, want, dream, have, all that stuff is hard to ignore when there is so much going on. We all have something to give out time to, work, school, husbands, wifes, children, moms, dads, family, people we work with, and then we have to take into consideration God. He is still yearning for out attention despite our crazy lifes. It is our choice to what we devote our time to, choose him. During the day spend a few minutes just reflecting on what he has given to us. What he has promised. What he knows. What he has already done. Wow it might take longer than a few minutes, but the time is not the issue here, it is the motive, the behing the scenes attempt that we make at striving towards a God that loves us. We are all trying so hard to please others, I do it probably every day. Just wanting people to notice you, ya it's kind of ridiculous, but I admit that it is a waste of time. I will never get enough praise from people, but I know where I can get my encouragement. God has alot to say to me everyday, what if I miss something! So I will give of myself, in my busy day to listen to his voice. Maybe he will lead me to bless someone else today, but I never want to be in a place that I am so selfish I cannot help but see my own stuff, I want to see others the way God sees them, desperate for Him. Today let your heart be broken before God, give him those unnecessary things that are just extra weight you do not need. He said cast your cares on Him!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 83: People

There are so many hurting people around me, people that have no clue that You are the answer to their questions, you are the reason for living. I know that you will give me the words to speak to them when I see them, help me never back down because I am worried about what they will think about me. In Jesus name, amen.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 82: A New Day

It's a new day, a new time to just be in your presence. I know that you never change. Sometimes I forget that. Everyday can better than the day before, more of your presence, more of your power, more of your love inside me. Help me act that out today, taking steps of faith one by one. You lead me you guide me, and I will remind myself once more that the most amazing being that created the entire universe lives in me and I can do all things through your strength not just by my hands. In Jesus name, amen.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 81: Completion

There is nothing else that you need to do Lord to give us the freedom that we so desperately desire. When you died on the cross that was the end of sickness, death, pain, but I have to accept that. Whole heartedly and without doubt believing that you are the keeper of the keys of death hell and the grave. You won, and all I need to do is walk in that fresh freedom from anything that would try and lead me away from you. Oh God how I long to walk in that every day, despite what I feel. I will keep speaking those things which havent happened yet, as though they were! You are compassionate, fill of mercy, you are my comforter, you are my everything, you have covered me in righteousness. In Jesus name, amen.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day: 80: Friends

Lord, I pray for my friends that do not know you on a personal level. Let me be the voice of truth to draw them to you. God help me have wisdom for what to say and when. Holy Spirit I know that you are rising up within me to speak the words of the Father, in gentleness and power. That those who hear will want nothing more than to fall on their faces in repentance and come running to you for forgiveness. I love that you would use me to be a tool for your kingdom. Lord, I agree and believe that it will happen, in Jesus name, amen.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 79: Orange Juice

Lord, I just want to thank you for creating oranges, so I can have orange juice. It makes my life so happy! There are so many things that i am thankful for, my husband who works very hard every day and loves me so much. I am very grateful for my loving family, my sisters, and my grandparents. Time flys by, and I don't want to ever miss an opportunity to tell someone that I love how much they mean to me. Lord, I know that Jesus lived in the moment, and it shows. Let my life be like that, never complaining about what I have been given or where I am in life. You are incredible, and you have blessed me so much Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 78: Keep healing us God!

Lord, continue to heal our hearts, and our land. Forgive us of turning away from you, lead us back to the cross. Our nation was founded on your foundations and principles and there is nothing we can do to change that. Your truth remains to be the very ground that we are walking on as a country. Minister to our President, speak to him, reveal yourself to him, give him wisdom to make decisions. In your name, I pray amen.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 77: Breakthroughs

Not just one or two Lord, many breakthroughs, in my family, in my church, in my life. Just to know you more than I have ever known, to be so completely transparent that it makes me sick to think of returning to where I used to be. I never want to go back to being a lazy, complacent christian that has no substance, just being religious about you God. I hate that I was so far away from you, but it looked like I was close to you. I know that I love you with all my heart and all my soul and with all my mind, not just apart of it. Even if is means me sacrificing more time, more money, more prayer, more steps to doing exactaly what you have called me to do without reservation. Oh God clean me out, make me new again, renew me, to really be the woman of God that you want me to be. To imiate you, to say what you said already to do what you did God. I thank you for the motivation and the will to just get out there and quit thinking about those things that you want me to do, but just to do it! Thank you lord, in Jesus name I pray all of these things. Amen.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 76: This is the Day!!

Love that song, "This is the day this is the day that the Lord has made, that the Lord has made. I will rejoice, I will rejoice and be glad in it and be glad in it. This is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it. This is the day this is the day that the Lord has made!" Thank you God for today, it's going to be full of You, I love you and I am so glad that I can praise you today with my mouth, my hands, my life, my words!!! Love you!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 75: Gold

More than fine gold, more than diamonds, Lord there is nothing I desire that compares with you. I can search the world in all it's finest but there are things that still would not fill that place that you give joy to. Beyond my comprehension, my thoughts, it just amazes me that you can satisfy an empty soul fill it up with you. Show me ways to be more open to you Lord. Completetly vunerable to your will your changes your thoughts the words that you have spoken over me. I don't look to anything for happiness but you God. In Jesus name, amen.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 74: Rejoice

Lord you rejoice over me with singing, while I am going throughout my day, while I am sleeping, when I am praying inside, when I am talking to people, when I am at school, while I am just sitting. You are truely my heart's desire, there is nothing that could every even put a dent to wedge a space between us, not death or life or the little things inbetween. It's you that I love. Your singing, your songs of freedom that come up inside of me. Continue Lord to strengthen me by your spirit, speaking words of wisdom through your word and your promises. In Jesus name, amen.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 73: Rest

Psalm 116: 7
"Retun(to turn back, show action in putting something down, to walk away from what you are doing) to your rest(cease from motion, absence of moving, to stop, the refreshing quiet, relief or freedom, solitude, take a break) Oh my soul(self, emotions, passions, inner being, turmoils or troubles) For the Lord has dealt bountifully(blessed, been good to, rewarded, bestowed gifts, been generous) with you."
David was praising God in this Psalm because he had just been delivered from death. It must have been a time when they were in war and David was stressed out about dying. He recognized God's provision of giving him a second chance. David loved God, he strayed a couple times, but always came back to His maker. God give me the wisdom and strength to put down what I think is important at that time and draw away to spend some relaxing peaceful time in your presence. You have rewarded me, you have been extremely wonderful, gracious, compassionate, loving, and forgiving of me. I praise you for delivering me from death also, just like David did, walking away from stress, turning to take a break and look to you for peace. I love you Lord, in Jesus name, amen.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 72: Security

When the world around us screams, "You have to live like I do, you must believe like I do, you shouldn't worry about pleasing God, you should be insecure about your body, it's ok to sleep with someone before you are married, who cares." My ears just hurt to listen to all the voices that tell me what to do, Lord you are my authority, your word is my security. What you say matters, what you encouraged me to do when the world was trying to pull me down, changed my life. I hear some people's obsession with the things of this world it breaks my heart. Release my hands God of anything that I may be holding onto that would hurt if you asked me to let it go. I have nothing without you, no possesion can ever give me true joy. Lord, remind those who are reading right now to surrender all the important things in their life, may you be first priority. For you said if we seek first, not second, your kingdom, the things of the word, then all these things would be added to us. Thank you Lord for reminding us that it's you we are really living for, no matter what the world says. In Jesus name, amen.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 71: I believe

Lord, today I keep thinking about the teachers of the law that tried to find something wrong with you when you were on earth. You are perfect, and you were perfect when you lived here. That is amazing to think about, and I have faith in all that you said. They said you called yourself God, yes I believe, they said you performed many miracles because you had so much compassion inside of you towards them, yes I believe. There are those that cannot understand the incredible life you lived, tempted as we were in all areas, but FREE of sin. Paul said it so well about his teaching..."My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith may not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power." (1 Corinthians 2:5) What a beatiful way to live a life, not on anything that that wisest man on earth proclaims, but only what you say stands to be the aboslute truth! I love you Lord, in your son's name I pray amen.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 70: Commitment

We make commitments all the time, some we keep, some we don't. Lord, I want to be a woman of my word, I know I fail at it constantly. So remind me to be truthful and not over-commit myself when I know I will not be able to do something. Lord, thank you for changing me from the inside out. Thank you for helping me keep the commitments that I already have made. With a joyful heart also. I love you God, you kept the biggest commitment, you kept your word, sending us your son giving us complete freedom. In Jesus name, amen.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 69: Weekend

Thank you Lord for this great Friday, so glad that it is time to be the weekend. With school and life and other things that are pulling at me for attention, I just feel blessed to know that it will be restful without classes, at least for two glorious days. Lord, would you help me to lead others to the Truth about you and your word, I want to be bold and caring at the same time. When I find someone that you are urging me to talk to, help me not think twice about walking up to them and sharing this life changing information. You are my everything, I know that you are preparing me day after day to minister to your children. In your name I pray, amenl.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day:68 Reassurance

That beautiful cross where you took my place, ransom for us so we can be so near you for eternity. Lord my faith in you is strong and I pray that it will grow day by day that I keep exercising those muscles. This is my reassurance, the faith in your son Jesus, that gave his life, took ALL sickness, death, and nailed it to the cross so I could be forgiven. Oh how wonderful you are to us, to me. I love you God, in Jesus name, amen!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 67: Oh ya

It's going to be a beautiful day. Lord, you are in control as always. Thank you for being so close to me my very breath, I could not live without you for sure. I love you.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 66: Psalm 67

"God be merciful to us and bless us, And cause His face to shine upon us, Selah. That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations. Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You. Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For you shall judge the people righteously, And govern the nations on eart. Selah. Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You. Then the earth shall yield her increase; God, our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us, And all the ends of the earth shall fear Him."

Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 65: Word

I desire the milk of the word, that smoothness that comes from studying the treasures of the scriptures. Holy Spirit guide me and reveal to me deep revelations. I do not want to be spoon fed, I will dig deep and pray and seek your very spoken words that give life and healing to all who read with faith. While I am studying open my eyes to see different characteristics that I never knew you had, I want to find out so much about you Lord. Even though I have been a Christian for a while, it doesn't matter. I don't know everything there is to know about you, and I am striving to just see a glimpse. Open the doors to those places that I have never gone through while praying and reading the bible. I know that it is such a great tool to be used in this life. To fight off the enemy, to sheild from selfishness that the world would offer, to guard our hearts and thoughts, to clean us, to renew our mind, to lead our every step. What would I do without your word, I would be lost. Oh but I am not lost, but have such an amazing thing in my hands.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 64: Boldness

Lord, create such a boldness and fire inside of me that I cannot keep my life from screaming how amazing you are. I don't want the rocks to cry out I will praise you with my actions, words, and thoughts. Let my life be so pleasing to you God. In Jesus name, amen.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 63: Goodness

You are the only thing good in me. Your goodness leads me to become broken and humble before you. That you see good when you look at my Lord, only because I am washed in your son's blood. It is amazing that no one is good, not one, just you in all your glory that you had compassion, and continue to have compassion on us your children. Even while I am wrong and disobedient to what you have called me to do for a certain time, even when I flinch at the thought of you taking me somewhere I don't think would be convenient for me. How selfish can I be God, that the places you take me would put me outside of my little box that I like to stay in. It's your will your thoughts that secure me to paths that are straight and often narrow. I love your beckoning Lord, in Jesus name, amen.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 62: Healing

Bring healing to those that are in need of your touch, I know that your word is life and power and can heal any disease if we believe on it in faith. Increase the faith of those that are searching for healing from sickness. Lord, you know what it takes for complete healing. I pray that during times of sickness that we would reach out to your mercy and power for healing, because nothing can compare with your spoken words. Breathing life into the dry places, comforting the distress that sickness has brought. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. You take dominion over the sicknesses from this world, you trample on it's weakness with your mighty hand! Thank you for healing in my own body today Lord, on the cross is where it started. You have done all that you will do for our healing, shedding your blood, giving up yourself so that we would be free from all sickness and death. Thank you again for what you did on that cross, it is enough for a complete miracle! I love you Lord, amen.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 61: It's a new season

Well, in so many ways. First of all I have had a terrible head cold think for the last week, whoo for me. I enjoy being able to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. Yes, that part is nice, plenty of rest. Just started my Zpack a couple of days ago, hopefully that will impact my sniffles and such. When I started this blog.....there was joy in my heart. I really find pleasure in a simple reading of a prayer that comes from someone's heart. It takes time to develop a relationship with God, when I journal I can see the growth inside my spiritual man. Wow, that is so much fun. Just like a plant that is beginning it's journey. Watered little by little to grow into something that is sturdy, beautiful, and alive. When I look back in my journals that I wrote in, it's so funny to see the small things that I used to worry about, things that I thought were not going to happen or dreams that I had that I didn't know now would be something I had completed already. Today I spoke at my grandmother's monthly women's Christian meeting. God used me and I was able to speak from my heart about the mission's trips that he led me on. I have been to Russia 3 times, each a revolutionary time in my life. So I enjoyed being used by God today, the Holy Spirit showed up, and I wasn't nervous at all. That is a first! I usually get sweaty hands and shaky legs, nope not today it was wonderful. I didn't use my carefully typed and well organized notes at all....just spoke according to the urging of God. He told me specific things to pray and stories to tell that blessed me so much to talk about. That was so great! Beckoning a group of women that have been Christians for a while, to spend time with God, listening to Him and letting Him lead. That is the cry of my heart, for those who know God to know him more and more, until we meet Him again!

Lord, thank you for using me to speak to those lovely women today. It was amazing to be able to talk about my trips again, it's been a while. I will keep listening to you, day after day. Leading me, guiding me to those doors that you opened way before I even thought about walking through. Oh God, I will follow you!!! Love you so much. In Jesus name, amen.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy october 6th!!!

Today is going to be an awesome day. It will be filled with lots of joy and encouragement and love from our Saviour. He has promised if we seek Him first, completely, we will be taken care of. But I don't want to just seek Him for those reasons, I want to get to know him, in and out. The way that Moses knew God, as a friend. Intimate and close. That he would be my on my mind all the time, without any effort. I don't like sometimes how I feel forced to read the bible because it is the "right" thing to do, like it's a duty. I want to read it because I have such a strong desire to dive into the words that he wrote with the help of his people, so many years ago. I want to wake up in the morning knowing that the words of thebible will guide me and direct my steps, help me make great decisions, hear God's voice clearer, understand spiritual things at a deeper level, draw closer to him, see the sin in me, transform my mind, renew my walk with him. Lord, I ask for the passion that I have for you to grow and grow and never stop, help me feed that, help me water the word that is already inside of me. I love you, in your name I pray, amen.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 59: Simple

Lord you are so incredibly simple. All you ask is that we follow your lead. How hard is that? I know that I make it hard sometimes, talking myself out of what you asked me to do, or justifying why I didn't follow your voice. You desire commitment, faithfulness, a whole hearted attempt from your children. Why do we have to make living for you so complicated at times, you are so simple in your ways and your requests. Draw near to Me child and I will draw near to you, that is what you are whispering to my heart today.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 58: Your presence

Again Lord I can't get out of my mind that your presence is everywhere I go. Thank you for being faithful to me. Speaking to my spirit encouragement to guide me during the day, among the worlds voices. I love you and appreciate you so much. Continue to speak and to show up in Jesus name, amen.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 57: Music

Lord you have put a new song in my heart, let it be music to your ears. Every worry and fear, every ache and pain, all of it I lift to you right now. I will sing praises to you, because you have fashioned me with your own hands, I will worship you because you are with me. I can go nowhere where your presence is not there. I am thankful that I can lift my voice and my life to you in a small way, use me God, speak to me today, comfort me while I sing to you. In Jesus name, amen.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 56: Your help

Today I just thank you for the scriptures that remind me of the powerful tool you placed in my hand to walk day by day to my fullest potential. "O give us help against the adversary, for vain (ineffectual and to no purpose) is the help or salvation of man. Through God we shall do valiantly(boldly courageous, brave, stout-hearted), for HE it is who shall tread down our adversaries!" Psalm 60:11-12 Lord I know you are fighting for me, for my health, the plans that you have for me, and everyday things. I believe that your help is all I need, not my own and some of yours but all of your guidance! Love you so much, in Jesus name, amen!!!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 55: Surrender

To you God I surrender, my body as a living sacrifice, my dreams that haven't come true, the time that you have given me, the plans that I have already made, the attitudes that that turn into complacency, the past that I don't seem to ever forget. Today I lift my hands up to you, in total and complete surrender of my life. As I walk and you are leading me, telling me where to go, I will trust in you with everything inside of me. I was made for you God. I couldn't imagine my life without being totally surrendered to you. I love you so much, in Jesus name amen

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 54: Sound

Hear the sound of my praise to you God this morning, my heart rejoices because I belong to you. I honor you and extol you. I lift you up, I give you glory, I love you so much. I fear you and stand in awe of you. You deserve all the praise and glory for everything good in my life. Even the not so wonderful events that happen you turn into something that you can be seen in. Thank you for hearing the sound of my praise today, I believe that it has come straight to your throne into your ear. In Jesus name, amen.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 53: Joy

"Yet He will fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy."
Job 8:21
Lord, thank you for the joy that you give me. Today I rejoice in you for who you are, for how much you love me, for your faithfullness to me, for the love that you show to me, for the forgiveness that you keep giving to me, for the time that you choose to spend with me, and the list could go on for a very long time. I just can't get my mind around how amazing you are. Still you show me that you are in control every day, taking care of the little and the big things. Reminding me that I need you more than my very breath. I love you lord, amen.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Starting from day 52....

Well, because of my accidental push of the button, I no longer have the posts from day 1-51. Thankfully there are still many prayers in my heart to be written down. I pray that they will refresh you and help you through your walk with God.


You create no accidents at all. You hand formed each of us in you thoughts, shaped us, breathed life into our dead bodies, and now we can sing your praise. Everyday we can worship our Creator, because there is no other like you. Thank you for the gift of life. I love you, in Jesus name, amen.