Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 136 Reality...

As we are walking this incredible journey of being a privelaged Christian, I pray that our hearts will not become cold to opening up to others who are a little bit different than us. They may not look like what an ideal follower of Christ would look like, but Jesus was reaching out to them ALL the time! Don't be quick to judge the outer appearance when we do not have the power to see the individuals heart. That is why God chose David to be king, oh he did not look the part, but man he had a super heart after God! It's incredible to me how judgmental I am sometimes not only at church, but every day. Oh God change my heart. It is a big deal that we reach out to the unloved, the unlovely, the poor, the needy, the stinky, the drunk, the stripper, the bullies, the hateful, and out family members. We can't forget about the purpose of our go out into ALL the world(not just our comfortable church groups) to reach them so that all can be brought to our amazing Saviour. It's him that we are living for, oh ya it could be akward at times...but we would not grow and change and our character would not be sharpened if we did not get out of our own little spaces and reach the world. Love the people that normally would not be invited to your church, love those that maybe are a little rough around the edges, love those that even might be extremely hurt and angry, and don't forget to pray for God to give you the divine wisdon and words to speak to their hearts and draw them to a loving, healing God who shows no judgment...God make me more like you...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 135~Monotonous

The same thing over and over again. But God says change is coming, a new season in your life, it won't be the same things over and over again. Look to Him while change happens, because your times are in His hands.

Sometimes I enjoy those changes, other times it is a scary mess of figuring things out, of course for myself. I am selfish most of the time and think "How will this change affect me, how will my life be different, will I find contentment in where we are going?" Those questions are swirling in my head as we speak. Why? You ask. Well, we are moving to another city and it is in the middle of the semester, I am trying to enjoy remodeling. Not sure if I ever will! It is time consuming, to say the least. I knew we would move one day, because I never felt like I could settle here in our small town in Oklahoma. Now, it all makes sense. I mean just when you think you have the most awesome friends, church, groups, and life; up comes the change, right in your face. I am really excited but I am also really nervous. But I feel that because I am nervous I am getting out of my comfort zone and into the divine plan that God Almighty has for me and my husband. It is all going to happen really fast, but I just keep reminding myself that I can do ALL things through Christ(Not on my own, but with his power). Let it happen, let it be caos, let it ruin my comfortableness, let this season in my life be glory to you God. So that is what is on my heart, it's so crazy! We have lived here for 3 1/2 years and actually I have lived here most of my life. It is definately time. So let the games begin!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 134...

You are simply incredible. Really I feel that words do not even barely begin to brush the essence of how amazing your love is for us humans. Made from the very dust of the ground you adore our worship to you. You wait with open arms for the day that we come running back from the mire we caught ourselves in. The sin that we wallowed in for years, the fear that we walked in too long. You want us. That is it. You want our attention, completely.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 133 Boredom..

Lord, I pray that my relationship with you will not ever touch the tip of being bored, let my life be eminating the awesomeness that you have shown me. Let the words that I speak to you be praise that lifts you up, glory that shows how beauitful you are. I know that your words will always be life to me, never death. I know that your actions will always be true and perfect. Your timing incredible. You are exciting to serve, you are not bored. I do not serve a bored God, but with excitment I will walk with you and show others that being a Christian is the best decision that I have ever made, the most fun path that I could have chosen!