Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 132 Love.....

His love is unconditional. There is no other way to describe it. He doesn't see our past, our failures, our insecurities. He sees the blood of Jesus, if we have asked him to be the Lord of our life and asked for forgiveness. Our name is special, his children. We are sons and daughters that are wrapped in a cloak of unconditional love that will not be taken away from us, not even death could separate us. Think about that!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


The peace, strength, love, security, and my favorite healing. You give me those things and you ask that I would just give you all the praise and the glory. Thank you for being my peaceful place to run to, than you for being the muscles that help me move, thank you Lord for your unconditional love that you lavish on me, than you for the solidness I have in you that your opinion is all I care about, and thank you for healing the dark places in my life that are now a testimony for what you have done! You are incredible, no person could do all of those things for me, no thing can give me true joy, no job or career that I pursue will satisfy me, I must follow you, must make you my everything in order to survive living here on earth.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 130

When you were on this earth Jesus, you saw things that people could not see with the eye. You saw th lame man becoming whole before he rose up and leaped. You saw the blind man seeing with clarity before he even thought about it. You saw healing in the woman with the issue of blood, but they all responded with faith. That is the key, faith. Not just using it, but actively using it and believing that it will come to pass! The word of God is powerful and incredible and I should never take it for granted! Thank you for the healing you saw in me before I was ever needing it! I love you Lord, help me see what you see:)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 129 Decisions

Decide to follow what God wants you to do today. Spend time with him, even though life is pretty crazy and busy. Choose to listen closely to his voice.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 128...

When I am dissapointed in someone, like a friend or someone close to me, Father I have to remind myself that people make their own decisions. There is not a whole lot that I can do to change that situation, even though I want to help out so much. Even though I have such a Godly love towards that friend. I don't want to see anyone walking away from You. It bothers me so much, and I just need to let it go, let it roll off of my back. I do know that I can pray! That is what I will keep doing for the person that my heart breaks for right now. Jesus help me keep my focus on You, not on the sin. In Jesus name, amen.