Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 147 Finish...

Jesus was the perfect example of finishing what he started, therefore we should follow in His footsteps. I have a bad habit of starting something exciting and forgetting how exciting it used to be, loosing my stamina and up and quitting it. I am determined to be consistent in my endeavors because our Maker never quits what he started. Can you imagine if we lived with that conviction that anything we started we HAD to finish? Marriages would be saved, books would be read, backsliding would not be an issue, we would all lose weight because we all started P90x and diets of all sorts. Wow, what a change! I have a few loose ends that need to be tied up, and I commit to finish them. My wedding scrapbook, my weight loss commitment, eating healthy, encouraging my husband everyday not just when I feel like it, reading all 10 books I started and put down, and getting my degree. Just a few things I would like to not lose focus on. Maybe you have a huge list of those little or big things that are bothering you because you would like to finish them. Start today make a small list that you want to finish each month or before the end of the year. Don't be the kind of person that wishes you would have or could have changed the time you spent on what you did. Be consistent and persevere through those weird uncomfortable moments where you want to give up, just finish it. Jesus had the most incredible path to follow and complete, but he didn't give up! We could learn so much from just His attitude. Today chose to follow our Messiah's example and be thorough about what you commit to!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 146 Thank You!

Lord thank You for the rain, we prayed and it came. You are incredible and amazing. There is no other god besides You.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 145 'Hold My Tongue'

Lord, today while I am driving, eating, just walking around, working, thinking, planning, cleaning, help me to hold my tongue. Self control is the key, and only by your Holy Spirit can I bridle it. It's a fire, a world of iniquity, it defiles the whole body, and full of deadly poison, James 3:6-8. May I use this unruly member to glorify you in everything I say. Encouraging the people around me, drawing to them you, building them up, and planting seeds of life instead of death...thank you Lord for walking beside me in this area of my life! In Jesus name amen:)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 144 Lead me to the cross...

Why did Jesus choose to go through with the death that was before him? It was obedience unto what his father asked of him. This was the most excruciating pain that anyone can feel, first because he became sin for us that we might not have to pay the price for our rebellion. In Romans there are countless scriptures about what sin does to us, for example look at Romans 6:6. Our old man(what sins we used to take part in, or our past sins) it was dead at the cross, died, ceases to exist anymore, because God doesn't want us to be a slave to that sin, it leads only to one door and that is death, he chose freedom for us by taking it on himself, he became a living sacrifice on the altar. In the old testament there had to be an animal sacrifice in order for their sins to be taken away. This was because Adam and Eve disobeyed Him therefore they had to make animal sacrifices from then on so they wouldn't have to pay for their sins. We can't pay for our sins, because God already paid a very high price for us to walk in freedom from our disobedience. Well, your are thinking I'm not a bad person, I really haven't committed any big sins. Ok, look again at your heart, have you every wanted something that someone has? You have coveted and that is sin. In Galatians 5:21 it says those who envy, murder, are drunk all the time, will not be allowed to inherit the kingdom of God or get into Heaven! That is pretty strong statement. The awesome thing about God is he asks us to walk away from our sin, repent, be genuinely sorry and ask for forgiveness. Only Jesus can forgive you of your sin, you can't talk your way out of it on the phone with a friend, you cannot keep making excuses because you know that will not help you get anywhere. Excuses are like butts, everyone has one(a quote from my husband:). Think about that. The Holy Spirit is a gentlemen, he will convict you but not condemn you for what you have done. So quit beating yourself up and putting yourself down for what you have done, repent, ask God for forgiveness, and commit to not return to that sin again, and keep on a walkin! He loves to forgive you, that is the whole purpose of the cross, forgiveness and freedom from the darkness! Enjoy the freedom he has on a platter for you:)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 143 Do you really want to surrender yourself and count the cost?

Keys to walking in the power of God! From A.A. Allen “The Miracle Man”

1. He must realize he couldn’t do greater quality miracles than Jesus.

2. He could walk as Jesus walked.

3. He must be blameless like God Himself.

4. He must measure himself to Jesus alone.

5. He must deny his fleshly desires with fasting.

6. After self-denial, he must follow Jesus seven days a week.

7. Without God, he could do nothing.

8. He must do away with sin in his body.

9. He must not continue in shallow, pointless discussions.

10. He must give his body wholly to God forever.

11. He must believe all of God’s promises.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Changes.. that is the word that comes to mind when I am thinking about where our lives are at the moment. It has been awesome to see God's hand in all of the areas in my life. I gave him permission to change what needs to be changed. Letting him change me into a woman that is not selfish inside and out is sometimes hard. We like who we are, because we chose all the paths that led us to where we stand. Today forget about what choices that were not wise, accomplishments you are proud of, things you have, and worship God because he will never change. Surrender to his choices for you, and let him lead. It is a selfless act...that will offer more than the world can ever give in return.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 141 Where did he go?

They looked for him in the tomb. He was supposed to be there, because a body does not just dissapear, or does it? The women that walked side by side with Jesus, served him their best food, laughed with him at their house, now was no where near the place where he was buried. I can not imagine the confused look on their faces. They knew they would get to at least mourn over his wrapped up body one more time, but they were in for a surprise. Not only was he not there, but he was completely whole. Not battered and bruised, but holding the keys of death, hell, and the grave. Standing in front of some of his diciples, they didn't even believe him. It had to be halarious to watch them almost fall over from shock. I probably would have been the one to actually touch his hands and feet to make sure. Why? Because sometimes we want to see it to believe it. But God doesn't want us to be weak with faith, but strong. Believe what you cannot see, know that he is the risen Lord, who went to hell and took the keys of death for you and the world. For this did he have a relationship with us. How awesome is that. He is not dead like Mohammad, or Buda, he is alive, he can hear you. He is not a statue, he is not an image, but a real God who is waiting for us to come running back into his arms repenting and loving him. Yes, it is hard to believe and not see, but try it. See how amazing he can be to you. Step out of the world's view for a minute and dive into what the bible is really saying, it will change your life!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 140 Almost over...

Ok, this is really, really interesting. First of all I have to commend my preacher friend Pastor Cronin for speaking directly into my heart what I needed to hear from God. He was talking about the linear line of events that happen in our lives. One after another. We are so caught up in what is happening now, and sometimes we think we might not make it. But listen to this. God has other things that he has planned for us, and the events will keep happening. So we must believe and know that God will get us through what we are in right at this moment. God speaks to us from the future, he is calling out, step forward, don't look back! How exciting to know that the struggles and stresses of today will go away eventually. Looking into the future we know that we will make it by the grace of our mighty God, because he wants us to make it. We have so many things to look forward to. So stop looking into the rearview mirror wishing you could change the past, put the gas on and drive forward into the awesome future that God has for you!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 139 The facts...

In the Psalms David sang his heart out, in every circumstance in life. While reading the Psalms stop to think about where he was when he was singing them, or writing them. Some of the time he was in a cave hiding from the enemy, other times he was repenting for giving into his lust, and then there are times when he sang to God because he just loved him so much. In Psalm 73 David envied the 'arrogant' because they were living life to the fullest and then they made fun of God saying he did not know anything. Then he goes on to say he was grieving and foolish and ignorant and like a beast before you(he probably felt like he had no self control, he was obviously not making good decisions). Ok we have to stop right there to reflect on all those emotions that just happened! He was at a low, low spot where he felt stupid and like he wasn't doing anything right...ever been there? I sure have! Just feeling like God might be dissapointed in you, and that he might not be listening to you and he might have stopped caring. So then the powerful word NEVERTHELESS (In spite of that; notwithstanding; all the same) so David is comparing the fact that he is at his lowest emotional state in life and in spite of that he pushed past what he was feeling and stated the facts that.....Nevertheless I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory. So in verse 22-24 David is reminding himselft that God is always standing right there beside him no matter what his circumstances are. It is really exciting to see the change in the way he is talking through this Psalm! Remember that when you need counsel, remind yourself that he will counsel you, he will hear your prayers, he does care about every part of your life no matter what your feelings or circumstances are saying to you....remind yourself of the facts!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 138 Friendship...

Such a powerful word, because inside of it is the stirring of many different emotions. It might remind someone of a friend that once was, passed away, decided to quit talking to the person, once betrayed them, ignored them, did not stick up for them. Or this word could extract a beautiful bundle of wonderfulness. Kind, loving, has integrity, always knows the perfect advice, listens very well, gives great hugs, calls just to say hi, knows your dirty laundry but no judment ever comes from their mouth. These are just a few of the characteristics of friendship. I guess my favorite place in the bible about friendship is when God called Abraham his friend. Wow. There is not much to add to that. The very God that breathed and there was light stepping out of nothingness, life came from dirt, the heavens and the earth were created by just his words. Think about that for just a moment. Friendship is something God designed for us to have with him, the purest of friendship. His unconditional love for us, forgiving our sins while we were still in sin, forgetting about our sin, redeeming us as though we had not sinned, and inviting us to have the most amazing friendship with his son Jesus. Jesus spoke that we should forgive those that have wronged us, wow how hard is that. I mean sometimes it is just not fair....well, but Jesus said do that anyway, just let it go. God is the judge and we have the power to pray for that person, love them, and move on with our lives. God will send us other friendship to draw us closer to him in a great way. I pray that God would reveal his ultimate friendsip to you one step at a time, and first he is introducing himself, what kind of first impression do we have of him? What kind of first impression did he get of us? Will the conversations be awkward? Will I want to hang out again? The most amazing thing about forming a relationship with him is this simple thing, he will never fail us, we can always count on him. He also loves to talk with his children, and he loves to listen to us all at the same time!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 137 Authority

Because God gave us dominion...we are allowed to exercise it. Everyday. In normal situations. We can change the course of actions because we are speaking the word of God that is sharp, powerful, and is life giving. Into the dark places we will speak light. Into the sick places we speak healing. Into the depression of our situations we speak joy. Into the future we speak prosperity. Into our past we know we are forgiven. Into the now we speak progress. All because we have the authority in Jesus name, we inherited kingship from the King of Kings, we own it! God wants us to use it. Proclaim it boldly.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 136 Reality...

As we are walking this incredible journey of being a privelaged Christian, I pray that our hearts will not become cold to opening up to others who are a little bit different than us. They may not look like what an ideal follower of Christ would look like, but Jesus was reaching out to them ALL the time! Don't be quick to judge the outer appearance when we do not have the power to see the individuals heart. That is why God chose David to be king, oh he did not look the part, but man he had a super heart after God! It's incredible to me how judgmental I am sometimes not only at church, but every day. Oh God change my heart. It is a big deal that we reach out to the unloved, the unlovely, the poor, the needy, the stinky, the drunk, the stripper, the bullies, the hateful, and out family members. We can't forget about the purpose of our go out into ALL the world(not just our comfortable church groups) to reach them so that all can be brought to our amazing Saviour. It's him that we are living for, oh ya it could be akward at times...but we would not grow and change and our character would not be sharpened if we did not get out of our own little spaces and reach the world. Love the people that normally would not be invited to your church, love those that maybe are a little rough around the edges, love those that even might be extremely hurt and angry, and don't forget to pray for God to give you the divine wisdon and words to speak to their hearts and draw them to a loving, healing God who shows no judgment...God make me more like you...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 135~Monotonous

The same thing over and over again. But God says change is coming, a new season in your life, it won't be the same things over and over again. Look to Him while change happens, because your times are in His hands.

Sometimes I enjoy those changes, other times it is a scary mess of figuring things out, of course for myself. I am selfish most of the time and think "How will this change affect me, how will my life be different, will I find contentment in where we are going?" Those questions are swirling in my head as we speak. Why? You ask. Well, we are moving to another city and it is in the middle of the semester, I am trying to enjoy remodeling. Not sure if I ever will! It is time consuming, to say the least. I knew we would move one day, because I never felt like I could settle here in our small town in Oklahoma. Now, it all makes sense. I mean just when you think you have the most awesome friends, church, groups, and life; up comes the change, right in your face. I am really excited but I am also really nervous. But I feel that because I am nervous I am getting out of my comfort zone and into the divine plan that God Almighty has for me and my husband. It is all going to happen really fast, but I just keep reminding myself that I can do ALL things through Christ(Not on my own, but with his power). Let it happen, let it be caos, let it ruin my comfortableness, let this season in my life be glory to you God. So that is what is on my heart, it's so crazy! We have lived here for 3 1/2 years and actually I have lived here most of my life. It is definately time. So let the games begin!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 134...

You are simply incredible. Really I feel that words do not even barely begin to brush the essence of how amazing your love is for us humans. Made from the very dust of the ground you adore our worship to you. You wait with open arms for the day that we come running back from the mire we caught ourselves in. The sin that we wallowed in for years, the fear that we walked in too long. You want us. That is it. You want our attention, completely.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 133 Boredom..

Lord, I pray that my relationship with you will not ever touch the tip of being bored, let my life be eminating the awesomeness that you have shown me. Let the words that I speak to you be praise that lifts you up, glory that shows how beauitful you are. I know that your words will always be life to me, never death. I know that your actions will always be true and perfect. Your timing incredible. You are exciting to serve, you are not bored. I do not serve a bored God, but with excitment I will walk with you and show others that being a Christian is the best decision that I have ever made, the most fun path that I could have chosen!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 132 Love.....

His love is unconditional. There is no other way to describe it. He doesn't see our past, our failures, our insecurities. He sees the blood of Jesus, if we have asked him to be the Lord of our life and asked for forgiveness. Our name is special, his children. We are sons and daughters that are wrapped in a cloak of unconditional love that will not be taken away from us, not even death could separate us. Think about that!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


The peace, strength, love, security, and my favorite healing. You give me those things and you ask that I would just give you all the praise and the glory. Thank you for being my peaceful place to run to, than you for being the muscles that help me move, thank you Lord for your unconditional love that you lavish on me, than you for the solidness I have in you that your opinion is all I care about, and thank you for healing the dark places in my life that are now a testimony for what you have done! You are incredible, no person could do all of those things for me, no thing can give me true joy, no job or career that I pursue will satisfy me, I must follow you, must make you my everything in order to survive living here on earth.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 130

When you were on this earth Jesus, you saw things that people could not see with the eye. You saw th lame man becoming whole before he rose up and leaped. You saw the blind man seeing with clarity before he even thought about it. You saw healing in the woman with the issue of blood, but they all responded with faith. That is the key, faith. Not just using it, but actively using it and believing that it will come to pass! The word of God is powerful and incredible and I should never take it for granted! Thank you for the healing you saw in me before I was ever needing it! I love you Lord, help me see what you see:)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 129 Decisions

Decide to follow what God wants you to do today. Spend time with him, even though life is pretty crazy and busy. Choose to listen closely to his voice.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 128...

When I am dissapointed in someone, like a friend or someone close to me, Father I have to remind myself that people make their own decisions. There is not a whole lot that I can do to change that situation, even though I want to help out so much. Even though I have such a Godly love towards that friend. I don't want to see anyone walking away from You. It bothers me so much, and I just need to let it go, let it roll off of my back. I do know that I can pray! That is what I will keep doing for the person that my heart breaks for right now. Jesus help me keep my focus on You, not on the sin. In Jesus name, amen.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 127 Strength

The power that raised Jesus Christ lives in me. The mighty hand of God created who I am to not be a coward and stand silent but to speak with authority into my future. I will use the word of God as a weapon to break down the things that would dare to get in my way of having all of God that I can have. I will run this race with endurance, speaking life from my tongue every single minute that I am alive. Thank you Jesus for the life that you gave to me. Let me be a voice in this world that speaks of you, even when I am not saying anything.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 126

Lord I worship you today. In complete surrender I will keep my eyes on you, my heart meditating on the scriptures, and my mouth speaking about you.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

125 Waiting...

Waiting for you to speak. Speak Lord into the intermost parts of who I am. Loving me only the way that you can, encouraging me to be faithful to your word, and not forget what you have promised. I will wait in patience, until you speak.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 124

Lord I know that you are taking care of the future, ever so carefully in your plans you crafted and positioned me and my family where I will be. While I am waiting for your plans to be revealed help us have wisdom and strength not to trust ourselves but only you. Help us to not worry about the things we cannot control. Thank you Lord for your providence. I love you.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 123 Faithfulness

You know that friends are not always going to give you the perfect advice, or tell you just what you want to hear, sometimes they don't listen and give their opinion. I have had friends not call me back for years, and wishing that we could just go back to the way it used to be. Sometimes friends forget you and you wonder why. I feel that God brings certain friends in our lives for a season, and when you look at winter or summer it doesn't last forever just a period of time. So giving that hurt up to God is not always easy or letting go of that person may not be what you want to do, but it is time to move on. I know that God gives us comfort in times of extreme pain and grievance. I too have lost loved one that almost made me remind myself to breath again. In those specific times when we wonder why couldn't we have just a little more time with them, or why could they not have hung on just a little bit longer, I remind myself that it was for a season. So today we will walk together looking to God to give us comfort. He sent the Holy Spirit as a significant help to us, not just for those times of hurt but for our whole entire life. We have an eternal friend that will not leave us stranded or suddenly dissapear, he will always be with you. Today open up those places where God may not have come and healed yet, listen to his voice, follow him on the road to healing.

Lord, we ask you to write the words of your son on our hearts today, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand!" John 10: 27 & 28

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 122: Delight

I delight myself in the richest of fare, Trading all that I've had for all that is better, A garmet of praise, for my heaviness, You are the greatest taste, You are the richest of fare.

By Shane Barnard "Beauty for Ashes"

Lord you are so beautiful, although I cannot see you with my eyes, I can hear your words of encouragement, the creation around me, the love that I have for you is so strong and nothing can ever separate us!