Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 121

Lord, through all of life's joys and sorrows I pray today that you will strengthen my spiritual eyes to see everything I walk though in your eyes. It is so easy to complain and see it the way I do as a human, but I want to see the bigger picture. You are incredible Lord, no one compares to you. No one created you, you just exist, there is no ending to you either. I love that about you. So because you can see the beginning, the end, and the glorious middle, help me see it the way it was intended for me, what the purpose was for that trial or that joy. I want to grow and keep growing in you Lord, there are so many more things I need to learn, so many things I haven't yet experienced that I know are coming. The future can be scary, but really it's inevitable, things will happen, but by the strength of your hand your breath living inside of me I can do all things through you Lord!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 120 You are plenty!

Lord presents from others are nice but really the gift that is more filling is your presence. Your life, your word. Filling every part of me that is empty. I love you Lord, not just because you have given all of you to me, but because you care. You are concerned about my life, you look and see where I need to change, and adjust so that you are the first person I go to, not the last.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Lord, thank you so much for this day. It was amazing. Help me to give with everything I have inside of me, everyday to you. Not holding one part of me. Giving is one of my favorite qualities about you Lord. You do that well! I love you. Thank you Lord, you truly are holy and amazing and bigger than I could even start to imagine. In Jesus name, Amen.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 117: Another gift..

You gave so much to us when you sent your son Jesus, to be here on this earth for a short time. What an amazing story. Every time I look at it I see something new. My favorite part is when you told Mary nothing is impossible for God. Wow. Lord thank you that nothing is impossible with you. There are people who need a miracle this Christmas, give it to them Lord, some won't have a warm meal at all, Lord tug at someone's heart to give one to their family. Some kids won't even hear the name of Jesus this Christmas, let them hear it God. Father thank you for the gift of salvation, and taking our sin upon you so we can live eternally with you. In Jesus name, amen.

Friday, December 17, 2010

116 Christmas in 8 days...

What can you do to bless someone you don't know this Christmas? What about a neighbor? Have you thought about someone you do know that does not have much? There are many people that we see everyday who are in need. We could be there answer. To take care of someone just by giving them an extra blanket because maybe their heater doesn't work very well, could change someones life forever. That might lead to something incredible, like an opportunity to minister to them and share your testimony. Lord, let us not forget that we are the hands and feet of the body of Christ, what would you have me give today?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

115 Fellowship

I love being in your presence where you talk to me, encourage me, tell me what to do, tell me where to go, comfort me when I'm hurting, and you listen so well. Those times when nothing else can make me feel better, just you Lord. You alone satisfy me. Fill us today with your joy that is so amazing and cannot be found anywhere else, but in you. In Jesus name, amen.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 114..Gifts

You have given me so many gifts, love, joy, your holy spirit, my family, my life. I cannot thank you enough for what I have God. Help me to continue to be grateful for what you have given me. I love you God, and help me share my gifts also:)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 113...finals...

Today I start my finals at the University of Central Oklahoma. I am privelaged to be able to go to class and write, to read, to understand, to enjoy, to learn, to analyze, to decide, and to breathe. Lord, thank you for those privelages. I love you so much, help me to get through these next couple days of tests. I will keep in mind that this too will be over so soon!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 112 Strongholds...

Lord, thank you for helping me take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, every thought that shouts I am not good enough, every time I think I can't do something that is important and I need to get it done, Lord, you help me to do things with integrity and for you. Not for others but for you. Because you see my heart. Holy Spirit continue to show me the strongholds of my life that need to be broken down, the places that I run for hiding that I don't want to let go of. It is not by my power or my works but by your Spirit. Lord, you are amazing, in Jesus name, amen.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 111: Shelter

When David was running from Saul he almost was captured, but you were his shelter. When Sarah wanted to have a baby but she was so old, you were her shelter. When Peter was walking on the water and he was distracted for second, you were his shelter. When Lazarus was dead and his family was extremely sad, you raised him up and became their shelter. When Jesus was dying on the cross, pleading for our lived because of our sin, you were his shelter. Because God will never leave me or forget about my dreams or needs, I know that he will always be my shelter.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 110:)

Lord, thank you for the gift of you Son, he came and gave his life so that we might live in freedom from sin. It's no something that I take lightly. It's my freedom Lord, and I will walk in it today. No matter how or what I feel I will choose to honor you with my words and my actions. I love you Lord, in Jesus name, amen.

Friday, December 3, 2010

109 You exist.

There is no other truth that compares to that. You existing in the world. You giving your life for me so that I can share with those that do not believe or are trying to figure you out. Lord, use my words again to speak truth and life into other people. In Jesus name, amen.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 108: Use my hands

God use my hands to make every email that I write be uplifting. Help me to type words that will go down deep to the heart and minister to people that need to hear your words. Remind me when I am making things with my hands that all of the praise goes to you, whether that is making food, decorations, writing papers, cleaning, washing dishes(gross), doing laundry, taking pictures, writing Christmas cards, buying groceries, all the things I do with my hands. I will do all of it as I am worshipping you, throughout the day. I love you Lord ,because your hands saved my life.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 107: It's a little cold...

Lord, although it's kind of freezing outside, I know that I have a warm house to go home to. A job to go to and make money to pay for my warm clothes and shoes I am wearing. I have a husband that is incredible and loves me with all his heart and is totally commited to us. My family is loving and caring and we usually have a good time. I cannot complain at all because I have so much, and even though its cold, you make me realize that it could be worse. I could be on the streets without a coat, a house, a husband, a family, and without you. But God I have soo much, and I thank you for your son Jesus, who rescued me from myself, who saved me and redeemed me so I can spend eternity with you. Lord, I love you .