Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 147 Finish...

Jesus was the perfect example of finishing what he started, therefore we should follow in His footsteps. I have a bad habit of starting something exciting and forgetting how exciting it used to be, loosing my stamina and up and quitting it. I am determined to be consistent in my endeavors because our Maker never quits what he started. Can you imagine if we lived with that conviction that anything we started we HAD to finish? Marriages would be saved, books would be read, backsliding would not be an issue, we would all lose weight because we all started P90x and diets of all sorts. Wow, what a change! I have a few loose ends that need to be tied up, and I commit to finish them. My wedding scrapbook, my weight loss commitment, eating healthy, encouraging my husband everyday not just when I feel like it, reading all 10 books I started and put down, and getting my degree. Just a few things I would like to not lose focus on. Maybe you have a huge list of those little or big things that are bothering you because you would like to finish them. Start today make a small list that you want to finish each month or before the end of the year. Don't be the kind of person that wishes you would have or could have changed the time you spent on what you did. Be consistent and persevere through those weird uncomfortable moments where you want to give up, just finish it. Jesus had the most incredible path to follow and complete, but he didn't give up! We could learn so much from just His attitude. Today chose to follow our Messiah's example and be thorough about what you commit to!